No Referral Required

Book a Private MRI Scan in Liverpool

Start your search in Liverpool for a private MRI scanning centre near you.

Put your mind at ease

Receive fast access to a pre-consultation with our experienced clinical team, relieving pressure on the traditional GP referral route.

Thorough clinical assessment

Our experienced team of consultant clinicians will undertake a medical assessment to understand your needs. They will then provide a referral for any necessary scans.

No waiting lists

We aim to reduce the pressure of waiting lists on the NHS. Patients can utilise our nationwide access to private scanning centres to receive medically necessary scans quickly.

Follow-up consultation

You’ll receive your imaging report digitally, and one of our expert clinicians will provide a follow-up consultation if any abnormalities are found.

Over 2000+ happy patients have used us

Private MRI Scans in Liverpool

Looking for a private MRI scan in Liverpool? Tired of long and unpredictable NHS waiting times? Then we're here to help you. As one of the leading medical referral services within the UK, we understand how important it is for patients to receive results when they need them most, and the impact that any delay can have on a diagnosis and treatment. That's why here at we offer a speedy MRI service, meaning that we have patients assessed, reported on and with results in as little as one week, depending on the selected scanning centre.

In any case where we feel that after protocol, an MRI scan is not required, or another treatment would be better suited, we'll give full guidance on what you should do next. You'll also receive a full refund. We pride ourselves in having no hidden booking fees and a transparent service - getting patients seen to with the correct care is our ultimate priority, be it an MRI scan, a more complex scan or alternative procedure.

All MRI scans will be reported on by our experienced team of Consultant Radiologists, who'll also provide you with a copy of your scan on a disc alongside the written results.

So if you or a loved one are in need of private scan in the Liverpool area, don't delay - book online with us today!


Learn more about how our private MRI scanning works

How much does a private MRI Scan in Liverpool cost?

Scan prices start from just £299* We pride ourselves on having no hidden fees, and flexible booking appointments that suit you.

Private MRI Scanning Centres in Liverpool

Spire Liverpool, L15 9EA
Liverpool City Centre Clinic, L3 9SJ
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