Body Parts Testicles

Testicles Ultrasound

Find out what testicular ultrasound scans involve, how to prepare, and when to consider getting a private testicular ultrasound.
Written by
Lillie Coles

Testicular Ultrasound Scans

Testicular ultrasound scans are also referred to as a scrotal ultrasound scan or testes ultrasound scan. They are a key diagnostic tool for creating images of the testicles and surrounding tissues, for the assessment of lumps, testicular torsion (a twisted spematic cord causing blood flow restriction), swelling, and other abnormalities.

If you’ve discovered a lump and want to get it checked out, an ultrasound is a quick and non-invasive way to get some answers. It’s also worth bearing in mind that most testicular lumps are benign (non-cancerous).

What is a testicular ultrasound scan?

Testicular ultrasound scans can be used to generate images of the testicles and surrounding scrotal tissues. The testicles form part of the male reproductive system, and play a key role in hormone and sperm cell production.

Ultrasound imgaing works by using high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off the tissues of your testicles to generate images. A scanning probe, also known as a transducer, is moved over the skin, and emits these sound waves. The transducer then collects the echoes as they reflect off the scrotal tissues. The ultrasound machine is connected to a computer, which uses this information to compile images on a screen in real-time.

What does a testicular ultrasound show?

Testicular ultrasounds will show the testicles, scrotal tissues, blood vessels, and any abnormalities or inflammation in the area. Abnormalities include swelling, tumours (testicular cancer), cysts and infection.

Ultrasound scans enable images to be captured in real-time on a screen, and the images are usually in black and white, with different levels of shading based on the tissues being scanned.

This helps spot the difference between a benign cyst and a tumour, for example, as a cyst tends to be fluid filled while a tumour is more of a solid mass.

What can a testicular ultrasound detect or diagnose?

Testicular ultrasound scans can play a key role in a wide range of diagnostic and treatment pathways for testicular conditions. If you're experiencing testicular pain, have noticed a lump, or have a concern, possible abnormal testicular ultrasound results could include:

  • An undescended testicle

  • Scrotal hernias

  • Varicose veins

  • Testicular torsion - reduced blood flow caused by a twisted spermatic cord

  • Tumours and cysts

  • Fluid around your testicle (known as a hydrocele)

  • A varicose vein within the scrotum (also called a variocele)

  • The causes of pain and swelling

Is a testicular ultrasound safe?

Ultrasound scans are safe and non-invasive, and have no known side effects. Unlike CT scans, they do not usually require contrast agents, and have no radiation exposure risks, and they are quicker and more accessible than MRI scans. They can be used to diagnose abnormalities, or identify whether further testing is required.

To find out more about ultrasound scans, you can visit our definitive guide.

How to prepare for a testicular ultrasound:

Testicular ultrasound scans generally do not require any special preparation beforehand. However, you should let your clinician know if you’re taking any medications, so that they can understand whether your scan results could be affected by them. Your healthcare provider or radiology department will provide any instructions you need to follow ahead of your scan.

Do I need to shave for testicular ultrasound imaging?

No, it isn't necessary to shave ahead of your scan and it does not affect the images.

Testicular ultrasound: what to expect on the day

On the day, you will undergo a few key steps:

  • We recommend that you wear loose, comfortable clothing, with a separate top and bottoms. You might need to change into a hospital gown before your scan takes place.

  • Your scan technician (sonographer) will ask you to lie on your back when you enter the scanning room. In order to ensure you are in the correct position, they might put a towel between your legs to elevate your scrotum for the scan.

  • A water based gel will be applied to your skin, to help the sonographer move the scanning wand across your skin smoothly, and prevent air bubbles from interfering with the images. This might feel cold when it is applied.

  • During the scan, the sonographer will move the transducer across your skin. If you are suffering with testicular tenderness, you might experience some discomfort. You should tell your sonographer if you are experiencing pain during the procedure.

  • You’ll be able to see the images on a screen during your scan, depending on the position you are lying in. You might be asked to change position or sit with your legs spread to allow the sonographer to capture images from different angles.

  • After the scan, you'll be given a wet wipe or tissue to remove any remaining gel from your skin. You can then get dressed and resume your day as normal.

Is a testicular ultrasound embarrassing?

Ultrasound scans are quick and straightforward to complete. It is understandable that you may find the thought of a testicular ultrasound embarrassing or uncomfortable, but rest assured there is nothing to worry about.

Sonographers are highly trained medical professionals who are used to carrying out scans on a range of body areas. They are here to help you and make you feel as comfortable as possible. You're free to ask them any questions you have before or during the procedure, and it's okay to tell them if you are feeling nervous or anxious at any time. Your health is their priority.

How long does a testicular ultrasound take?

A testicular ultrasound scan is usually completed in less than than 30 minutes

How long do testicular ultrasound results take?

Testicular ultrasound results are usually available within a week of your scan.

After your scan, a radiologist will study your testicular ultrasound images, and write a report of their findings. This will be shared with our clinical team, usually within 7 working days. After that, they will review your results and call you to discuss the outcomes and next steps.

A downloadable report will be provided. If you need copies of your images for onward care, these can be provided on request.

How much does a private testicular ultrasound cost?

Our ultrasound scans start from £219, and the price you pay includes a comprehensive package of care. This includes:

  • A pre-scan consultation with a dedicated expert clinician, to discuss your symptoms and requirements

  • Your choice of scanning centre, and a fast referral to your selected clinic

  • Your testicular ultrasound scan

  • A radiologist’s report of your results

  • Access to your scan images upon request

  • A post-scan consultation with your clinician if any next steps are required

How can I get a testicular ultrasound near me?

Testicular ultrasound private scanning centres are available near you, and you can find them via The waiting time for testicular ultrasound with is as little as 2 days.

Sources used:

Giorgi, A. (2021, September 8). Testicular ultrasound. Healthline.

Sissons, C. (2023, July 21). What happens during a testicular ultrasound?

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We are partnered with over 100 private Ultrasound scanning centres nationwide.

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